Monday, July 24, 2017

Interview with Australian Photographer Ben Fewtrell

This weeks' interview comes all the way from Australia! I first discovered Ben while going through tutorials and other photography videos on YouTube. I subscribed to his channel about two minutes into the first video I watched. I have watched, subscribed, and unsubscribed to quite a few different YouTube channels over the past several years and Ben's is one of only a handful that I watch each time a new video comes out. I like his style, both photography and video. He doesn't shoot the video and present it to you as though in a teacher/student relationship - he makes you feel as though you are out with a friend hoping to capture "the" image. You will often hear him say something about not getting an image on a particular trip but he always does. I've seen him shoot some spectacularly colorful sunrises and sunsets, while other times there is no color so he finds a composition that doesn't need it. His long exposures have inspired me to revisit that technique in my own work. If anyone tells you there is no need for filters in landscape photography, point him to Ben's channel. He makes great use of neutral density (ND) filters - both solid and graduated, including the "Big Stopper", the Lee 10-stop ND filter. If I'm not mistaken, he also uses the "Super Stopper", 15-stop, too. I couldn't wait to get my hands on a good ND filter set so I could get back into the game; I recently ordered a system; it should be delivered soon - stay tuned.

If you watch enough of his videos you will likely hear him refer to "The Boss". As any married man can tell you, The Boss is his lovely wife, Nichole. She will sometimes accompany Ben on his shoots, operating the video camera and, if you are lucky, turning the camera on herself to say "Hello!" I don't know how much he pays her but I think she needs a raise. 😂

I will leave you with these words before presenting the interview - Ben isn't "teaching" you how to be a photographer or give you tips on post-processing; he is showing you what he does, explaining it as he goes. His videos should serve as an inspiration and motivate you to get out and shoot. Good weather, bad weather, colorful or gray - the adventure and hunt for the image is what the game is all about. So now, without further ado I present to you Ben Fewtrell!

The Interview

Personal questions

What is your favorite childhood memory?

I have always been a fan of the outdoors, and as a child spent most of my time outside playing with friends. There was a group of us that would often meet in the street on our bikes or skateboards and then head of to explore the local area, or just hang out at the local park.

What are the five foods you can’t live without?

As you can see, I am a fan of food!
  1. My number 1, would have to be steak. I love a good steak!
  2. Chinese Food. Nothing better than a nice bit of boiled rice and Chinese (I like most dishes)
  3. Sushi, I would have this 2 to 3 times a week for lunch!
  4. Cashew Nuts – I really enjoy munching on these for a snack, or with a beer.
  5. Bread. I was often referred to as ‘The Carbohydrate Kid’.

What’s the best advice anyone has given you and who gave it to you?

“Don’t poke the Bear” – not sure who gave this advice to me, but I have used it to navigate through life. I like to keep the peace and would rather not stir up any trouble, so I never ‘Poke the Bear’.
(Joe: excellent advice! I'm afraid I haven't quite learned that lesson well enough yet.)

What is your favorite thing to do when you aren't shooting?

One of my failings is the number of hobbies I have. My full-time gig is running my own business, and this can keep me busy and be taxing on the brain, so I find myself immersing into hobbies that allow me to relax and switch off. It doesn’t really matter which hobby, when I am not shooting you’ll find me flying my Beechcraft Bonanza airplane, Woodworking in my workshop, Scuba Diving in Fiji, Spending time with my wife (we love eating out), playing Guitar or out riding my Motorbike.
(Joe: it's amazing you have time to shoot!)

If you could spend an hour with any famous person, past or present, who would it be and why?

I would love to spend an hour with Jim Rohn, he unfortunately passed away in 2009, but has been an inspiration to me for many years, I am a student of Jim’s and have listened to countless hours of his talks and training, but never got to meet the great man, so an hour with him would be amazing! Here is my most favourite quote from Jim “Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom.”
(Joe: what a terrific quote! I am going to hide that away with my quote collection.)

Professional questions

Why photography and why YouTube?

Simply, I love to create, and both these give me the ability to be creative. I have been into photography since I was young, whenever I could get my hands on a camera and take photos, I would.

YouTube is a great way to share with the world, it is so easy for people to consume the content (as opposed to reading a blog) and whilst there is a lot of content on YouTube, there wasn’t many Aussies with a photography Vlog, so I thought I would give it a go and see what happened… the rest is history! (I am surprised so many people want to watch my ramblings and amateur production!)

Can you explain your photography in 10 words or less?

An excuse to enjoy the outdoors!

What is your greatest achievement in photography?

My greatest achievement would be the number of photographers around the world I am helping. Through social media and the internet, I have been able to motivate, inspire, upskill and make friends with some amazing people, and I truly see this as my greatest achievement.
(Joe: this is one of the best answers to this question yet! I have always felt a responsibility to share my knowledge with others.)

If you could share a gallery show with anyone past or present, who would it be?

I am a big fan of Aussie Landscape Photographer Ken Duncan, he has some amazing work. I would be happy to share a cuppa with him! Let alone a gallery.

Where do you draw inspiration from when you shoot and what’s your favorite part about the process?

I am a lover of the outdoors, and it doesn’t take much to inspire me, I see photographs everywhere! My favourite part is the hunt, looking for a location can be time consuming, but I enjoy researching for locations. Sometimes I can spend hours on the internet and in the car looking for my locations.

What is your favorite location to shoot?

I love to shoot seascapes more than anything else. I think it’s my love of water. Capturing the movement of the ocean is exciting for me.

What is your favorite piece of equipment?

It would have to be my tripod. I went through so many cheaper tripods before I made the decision to invest in my Really Right Stuff Tripod. It cost a lot, but has never let me down.
(Joe: with an Instagram name like "On3Legs", I guess this shouldn't come as a surprise!)

How did you get your start and what advice would you give to someone looking for a career in photography or starting out on YouTube?

Photography is the largest hobby in the world, and making money from photography is getting more difficult. You need to find a niche and really get to know your audience well, to amazing work and continually train yourself to be better. As for starting on YouTube, I think it’s a great platform for keeping my own weekly diary, and giving other people a peek into my journey as it is mapped out.

I meet a lot of people have false expectations of what return they will get from a YouTube channel. If you’re just wanting to make money from YouTube I wouldn’t recommend it. If you’re wanting somewhere to have some fun, document your journey and share it with the world, YouTube is a great place for that.

Bonus question:

What are your Top 5 "Deserted Island" albums?

If I was on a deserted Island, I would rather take my guitar than 5 albums! But if you insist… I have a broad love of music and would need a Stevie Ray Vaughn album, a John Cougar album, something from Pink Floyd, some Tommy Emmanuel and a current greatest hits!


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Instagram - @on3legs
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“10 tips to better photos” Free Ebook -

Friday, July 14, 2017

There is a rapture in the lonely shore

This is somewhat of a follow-up to an earlier post titled "There Is Pleasure In The Pathless Woods" and just one of many inspired by a poem or quote that I have come across over the years. The full quote is:

There is pleasure in the pathless woods, there is rapture in the lonely shore, there is society where none intrudes, by the deep sea, and music in its roar; I love not Man the less, but Nature more. - Lord Byron
The lead image is the beach at Ocean Grove, looking North towards Asbury Park. This is the beach I most often visit when I want to shoot the beach and ocean. It is close to my home but it is also one of my favorite places, period! I started going to Ocean Grove long before I moved to where I am now. This was actually taken with my cellphone camera shortly after I arrived at the beach. I have a habit of taking a few shots with my phone when I am out shooting and then posting them on social media - Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. It is a great way to get some images out and it is also a great way to communicate to others who may be in the area - just in case they want to join me. If you look closely at the sky, you will see that I wasn't really alone - a beloved television character from my childhood was there. Can you see it?

I think my favorite time to be at the shore is dawn and sunrise. Watching the sun come up over the Atlantic Ocean is such a wonderful experience and I never get tired of it. This second image was shot at Ocean Grove on a magnificent morning. I knew the sun was going to be rising almost exactly due East of the Fishing Pier; I had been waiting for this day for quite a while. The sunrise that October day was 7:08 AM so I was on the boardwalk ready to go at 5:45 AM. Why so early? I always get to my shooting destination at least an hour early so that I can plan my shots, set up and make sure I don't miss anything.

The third image was taken on the first day of Spring 2012 at Horseshoe Cove on Sandy Hook. You may have seen this image before - I have used it to illustrate a couple previous blog posts but don't think I ever wrote about the image itself. I make it a habit to get out and shoot on the First Day of Spring (I try the other "First Day"s but don't seem to make all of them) and 2012 was no exception. I have also noticed over the past few years that the weather is not necessarily "Spring-like" when I am out and this day was no exception. There was a very dense fog covering the entire area but the closer you got to the ocean the worse it got. You can see in this image that visibility was extremely limited. Horseshoe Cove is one of the places I always go to whenever I get out to Sandy Hook; to me, it is a special place. Don't ask me why, don't know but it is. I like this shot because it is both calming and eerie at the same time. The scene is tranquil but you just don't know what is looming just out of sight.

I have one final image I would like to share. This was one that I took on my way to the office one morning. I leave much earlier than necessary, just in case I have to take a "detour" and that is what happened this morning. When I walked out of the house I noticed some clouds tinged with faint red and immediately headed to the beach. This was taken with my smartphone and edited using Lightroom for Mobile (see "Improve Your (mobile) Photography: Using Lightroom for Mobile")

I have many more images of the beach and ocean - all times of day and in all types of weather - but I think this is a good time to conclude this post. I hope you enjoyed the images presented here, along with the stories. I also hope the quote inspires you to get out into nature and explore it many splendors yourself. I know I will be out soon - Spring is here and I also need images to illustrate "There is a pleasure in the pathless woods"....

Oh, by the way! The character in the sky is Wile E. Coyote. Did you see him?

All photos are copyright Joseph S. Valencia All Rights Reserved They may not be used in any way without express written permission of the photographer. If you wish to use any of the photos you may contact the photographer at

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

There Is Pleasure In The Pathless Woods

There is pleasure in the pathless woods, there is rapture in the lonely shore, there is society where none intrudes, by the deep sea, and music in its roar; I love not Man the less, but Nature more. - Lord Byron

I am not one who is attracted to poetry and don't know much about it outside of Ogden Nash but I came across this quote a while back. I tucked it away thinking it would be a good subject for a blog post and now, here it is!

If you have been following me for a while you know how fond I am of wandering around in the woods. If I had to spend the rest of my life in just one environment, this is what I would choose and so when I saw this poem it immediately went into my "inspiration" list.

I would miss the ocean - the sound of the crashing waves and smell of the salt - but I derive far more pleasure hearing the sound of a babbling brook and the smell of the forest floor. There is nothing like the smell of the woods in autumn - except for maybe the smell of a baby.... :-)

Where else are you going to get this close to something as beautiful and graceful as this deer? I can, and have, sat for long periods just watching them walk through the woods, occasionally stopping to eat. If you listen closely you may hear the sound of a woodpecker looking for insects in a nearby tree. I found this hairy woodpecker only a few yards off a trail I was hiking behind my home. The was no noise but for his tapping on the tree, it took a few seconds to find him.

If you are lucky you may get to see a chipmunk or two scurrying around collecting acorns, like this little guy. I had been periodically seeing a few chipmunks on my afternoon hikes but was never able to get a decent shot - not only are they tiny but they never seem to stop moving. I was quite fortunate to get the opportunity to get the shot below.

I don't want you to go away thinking you can only go into the woods during temperate conditions - there is nothing quite like being out during, or just after, a snowfall. It is so pure and unbelievably quiet.

And with that I will bring this post to a close. I hope I have inspired you to go out and explore the “pathless woods” and have your own adventure. Please remember – Leave No Trace. Please obey all rules and regulations of the park you are hiking in and obey all signs along the way. Do not encroach on sensitive areas or leave the trail unless it is allowed.

All photos are copyright Joseph S. Valencia All Rights Reserved They may not be used in any way without express written permission of the photographer. If you wish to use any of the photos you may contact the photographer at

Monday, July 10, 2017

Interview with Photographer Dan Falvo

This week's interview is with Jersey Shore photographer, Dan Falvo. I learned about Dan from my brother, Eric. I got an Instagram message one afternoon telling me I have to start following Dan and that I was sure to love his photography. Well, for a younger brother he is pretty smart. I immediately opened Instagram, checked out some of his work and started following him. Later that day I decided to ask for an interview so that I could introduce him to you. I normally write some personal observations or stories as an introduction but I think I am going to let Daniel tell you a bit about himself, instead. Here is Daniel Falvo, in his own words....

"I only remember growing up and living here along the New Jersey Shore. My passion for photography began with an old Polaroid; I just loved watching the image appear like magic. My Uncle Sam gave me my first real film camera: A Nikon F series with a 50mm Nikor lens,I dabbled mostly. I am a self taught and still learning photographer, Making images is the perfect medium for expressing myself and combining my passion for nature and photography; it satiates both quite nicely.

My images form from the calm that approaches like an old friend when you allow the rhythmic cadence of a waterfall into your consciousness. As you acknowledge this friend your senses shift, you hear the raspy percussion of wind through the leaves, the percolation of running water beneath rocks, the scents of the pines and leaves. Suddenly you and your friend are in an embrace, peacefulness caresses your very soul, and all is well within you. The relentless “dis ease” tugging at your mind releases, your mind calms and shifts into neutral, a long lost luxury. Closing your eyes you inhale, pause, then exhale, open your eyes again to see your surroundings anew. Settling into a different rhythm a natural rhythm you feel wonderfully centered and free of worry. Acutely conscious of the present, this moment, ready to experience all the wonders Mother Nature creates. Every sound, scent and sensation resonates deeply and consciously and you simply experience all that your surroundings have to offer

All of my images are printed on photographic papers with archival inks, mounting and matting materials are used to insure long life. Each material used meets conservation and archival standards. Prints, Canvases, Metal Prints and more are available at the Main Avenue Galleria in Ocean Grove."

The Interview

Personal Questions

What is your favorite childhood memory?

My favorite childhood memory that sticks with me well there are 2. One was watching the slide show of my uncle Sam’s cross country road trip, he was a photographer and his pictures stoked my imagination and secondly was my polaroid instant camera I loved watching the images appear like magic. Both were the beginning steps of my photographic journey one that I am happy to say I am still on and exploring.

What are the five foods you can’t live without?

Cheese, Cheese Burgers, Ice Cream, Corn, Chicken Pot Pies

What’s the best advice anyone has given you and who gave it to you?

Do the work and the rest will come - my Grandfather
(Joe: great advice – simple, yet right on target)

What is your favorite thing to do when you aren't shooting?

Paddling a Canoe w/ my wife, there is a connection when you paddle together thats important to me. To disconnect from the world each week for a time is very important in maintaining and staying in touch with what is truly important.
(Joe: I feel the same way but instead of paddling, I like long walks in the woods by myself.)

If you could spend an hour with any famous person, past or present, who would it be and why?

Any Native American Chief from before Europeans moved west to learn their way of leaving in harmony with our planet, and to see the wonders that were before they were exploited.

Professional Questions

Why photography?

It made sense to me, painting and stuff just didn’t . Making images connects my love of the outdoors with my creative side its a great match and I get to share some special moments through my images..

Can you explain your photography in 10 words or less?

Ill try. I shoot nature and seek the moments that draw me in - its as simple as that

What is your greatest achievement in photography?

To date I would say it is being able to sell my work at The Main Avenue Galleria in Ocean Grove for the past 7 years and discovering I have a small following.

If you could share a gallery show with anyone past or present, who would it be?

Peter Lik I love his perspective and depth of his images

Where do you draw inspiration from when you shoot and what’s your favorite part about the process?

I draw inspiration from the mountains, lakes, stream waterfalls where I canoe and hike The seaside where I live , its where i go to relax and center myself. My favorite part of the process is the emersion in a place the white noise in my head dissipates, my vision sharpens and my mental acuity just elevates, I am fully present in the moment it all becomes seamless.

What is your favorite location to shoot?

Locally its Asbury Park, Ocean Grove & Belmar Big picture the West, planning a trip to the West Coast soon a road trip up the Cali coast, thru Oregon into Washington State
(Joe: sounds like a great trip! I look forward to seeing the images.)

What is your favorite piece of equipment?

My Nikon D800 its just a great camera.

How did you get your start and what advice would you give to someone looking for a career in photography?

My Uncle Sam he gave me my first real camera a NIKON F series film camera, loved shooting Black and White on Film. Advice - wow -Don't worry about what others are shooting. Shoot what speaks to you, what you are truly passionate about then PRINT and SHARE it.

Bonus question

What are your Top 5 "Deserted Island" albums?

  • Natural Mystic - Bob Marley & The Wailers
  • Amos Lee - Supply & Demand
  • DMB Live Tracks Dave Mathews Band
  • Van Morrison’s Greatest Hits
  • Joseph Firecrow - Night Walk Native Flutes

You can follow Dan on Instagram at @danielpstudios
He can be found on Fine Art America -
If you are interested in purchasing prints or seeing more of Dan's work check out The Main Avenue Galleria in Ocean Grove, New Jersey
You can contact Dan at his email address,

All images are protected under copyright by the artist. They may not be used without written permission.

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