Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Interview with Landscape Photographer & Vlogger Rachel Lerch

Rachel Lerch


Rachel Lerch is a Canadian landscape photographer and YouTube vlogger who I have been following for a while now. I'm not quite sure how I found her channel but I have been entertained ever since. The portrait shown here is exactly what you get in every video - lots of smiles, lots of laughing and lots of great landscapes and knowledge. If you're having a bad day - she will brighten it for you.

Some of my favorite videos involve waterfalls and she has brought many to her viewers over the last couple of years. While the landscape is always the star of the show, she does bring in some supporting characters from time-to-time - most notably her husband, John. John has made appearances recently but none better than in Don't Give the Camera to John! where he brought a bit of cinema verite (and an appetite) to the party. There are also "Challenges" with fellow photographers - someone will suggest a theme and they all go out to find images related to it; the first that I watched was Really Unique Landscape Photography Challenge - check it out and maybe try the challenge yourself! These are just two of the many videos that I have enjoyed, I will add a list of some of my favorites at the end of the interview.

In addition to a career as a landscape photographer and vlogger, Rachel spent a number of years in the stock photography market. Though she no longer actively uploads content, she still earns commissions and is a wealth of knowledge if this is something you want to pursue. There are entire videos dedicated to stock photography - how to get started, what sells, how to shoot for stock, interviews, etc... If you can't learn enough to get started, you aren't trying hard enough.

Okay, enough about YouTube and videos. Rachel is, first and foremost, a talented landscape photographer with a love for waterfalls. Actually, it is far more than that - she has a love for the outdoors! I cannot imagine there are many weather situations that would keep her from going out and have seen her shoot in sun, rain, snow, heat, cold - you name it. She is truly dedicated to her craft.

Lastly, Rachel is the author of a new book, This Side of the Lens, where she talks about her photography and also YouTube and microstock. You can pick up a copy of the book at Amazon - here or buy a copy directly from Rachel, including a special signed copy, here.
(NOTE: I do not receive any commission whatsoever from Amazon or Rachel.)

Oh yea, one more thing.... Rachel also conducts workshops and provides one-on-one coaching - all of this information, along with links to "Lerch Merch" and her book can be found on her website.

The Interview

Personal questions

What is your favorite childhood memory?

Every year my parents took our family camping to Algonquin park and other beautiful places in Ontario. I loved spending time in the outdoors and sleeping in a tent. I remember stopping at the side of the road to observe snapping turtles, hiking through the incredible forests and learning how to fish. Many times, we would meet friends and other families and the kids would all explore, swim and play games from dawn ’til dusk. Evenings were for sharpening sticks to roast marshmallows over the campfire.
(Joe: Sounds like you had a wonderful childhood – there aren’t many things in the world better than the smell of a campfire.)

What’s the best advice anyone has given you and who gave it to you?

My father told me that worrying never solved anything, and my mum encouraged me to go after my dreams.

What is your favourite thing to do when you aren’t photographing?

I love to run (while listening to music!). My absolute favourite times are early morning in the spring or fall, but during the winter I’ll use my treadmill, and it’s still awesome.

If you could spend an hour with any famous person, past or present, who would it be and why?

It would have to be Jesus… whether to talk or just sit with Him. He cared about people without condition. I’d love to be in the presence of that, and be like that too.

What is something that most people don’t know about you?

I don’t drink coffee. When I was growing up, my mum told me that kids don’t drink coffee, so I never developed the habit. On a cold winter morning, I drink water.

What would you like to be remembered for?

Bringing encouragement, joy and blessing to other people.
(Joe: That is something we should all aspire to.)

Professional Questions

Why photography?

I’ve always loved it, even as a child, but the ‘why’ is something I understand better now as an adult. Creative expression, learning and discovery, outdoor exploration and technical geekery, all top the list of why I find photography so fulfilling and satisfying.

Can you explain your photography in 10 words or less?

If it’s beautiful, I must capture it.

What is your greatest achievement in photography?

Professionally, I would name my photography YouTube channel as one of my most rewarding achievements. Creating videos for the platform has given me a place to share my work, connect with photographers around the world and encouraged me to embrace new challenges, such as writing my book, This Side of the Lens. Running the channel is hard work but it has expanded my photography and videography skills immensely and brought me great joy.
On a more personal note, I sometimes receive emails from people who tell me that my work has touched them, inspired them and had a positive impact on their lives. Hearing their stories, and knowing that I’ve made a difference is so humbling and brings tears to my eyes. I can’t think of a better thing.
(Joe: You’re doing a great job with the channel, I am so happy that I found it.
I can say that you have had a positive impact on me and inspired me at times to get out and shoot. It is humbling to hear from people who say that you have inspired them – I have had similar experiences, almost “out of body”….)

If you could share a gallery show with anyone, past or present, who would it be?

I think it would be my grandparents, who all passed away when I was very young. It would be wonderful to share this part of who I am with them.

Where do you draw inspiration from and what is your favourite part about the process?

I draw inspiration from the landscape around me - the tones, shapes, colours, and sounds that make a place what it is. My favourite part of the process is discovering something new and capturing it for the first time.

What is your favourite location to photograph?

Mountains. They are incredible.

What is your favourite piece of equipment?

My Sony A99ii camera. It is so capable in every situation, and it feels like an extension of my hands because I know it so well.

How did you get your start and what advice would you give to someone looking for a career in photography?

I was mentored many years ago by another photographer who taught me how to take good pictures and run a photography business. The learning and experience were invaluable. My advice to those just getting started is to place equal emphasis on learning the art of photography as well as the financial and marketing skills needed to run a business.
(Joe: Great advice! We tend to think of ourselves as artists, not business people but the business end is vital. It is great that you found a mentor to help you with both!)

Bonus question:

What are your Top 5 "Deserted Island" albums?

  • Any album by the 2CELLOS, whose music I find inspiring
  • A homemade album of my dad playing the piano and the violin
  • Soca Carnival 94 – to remind me of my island Barbados
  • A compilation of Minecraft, Nintendo and retro video game remixes (tons of fun)
  • Something country, in the hopes that my husband is stranded on the island with me… he loves country music

(Joe: Interesting…….)


Some of my favorite videos

For more interviews, check out my page - The Interviews Collection.


  1. Absolutely love this interview. Very interesting and insightful!

    1. Thank you, Maureen, I am glad you enjoyed it. I have a lot of fun with the interviews and have a couple more coming soon.

  2. Thanks for that Joe! I have been a fan of Rachel's for a while now and find her joy and personable skills to be quite inspiring. She's also a wonderful photographer and I really like how she relates her imagery to her audience when capturing a subject. Also, as a fellow Canadian, how can one not be proud of how she's come and how far she will go :)

    Thanks again and take care.


    1. Lyle,

      I'm glad you enjoyed the interview - it's great to hear from one of Rachel's fans!


    2. Thanks Joe...and I suspect that Rachel has a ton of fans...so hopefully you will hear from them too :) Now off to look at more of your content.

      Take care and all the best.


    3. Enjoy your stay, Lyle! I'm always looking for input and suggestions for upcoming "Improve Your Photography" posts and interviews.

  3. What a terrific interview! Great read.
    Rachel, I'm happy for you. Well deserved ��

    1. Thank you! I am always happy to hear from readers of the blog. Rachel's interview was really fun to do, I'm glad everyone is enjoying it.

  4. Psst ... Those question marks should be a thumbs up.


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