"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." - Albert Einstein
I read this quote a while back and thought - "You know, that Einstein was a pretty smart guy!" I also couldn't agree with him more. When I think about the times I have gone into the woods or walked along the beach and been amazed by the beauty surrounding me it is awe-inspiring. I could just as easily say that about being at a lake, in a field or even my own back yard, it doesn't matter; I still get lost in thought and the rest of the world goes away along with my problems.
I wasn't sure what I was going to do for the photography part of this post until I started going through some flower photos that I took at Deep Cut Gardens. If you haven't visited, you owe it to yourself to go one day. I have been many times and I always see something new. If you take time to explore the different areas of the park you will see any amazing diversity of nature but what I would encourage you do to is to quite literally - stop and smell the roses. Take some time and sit in the gazebo or on one of the benches in the rose parterre and just watch nature happen. You will see bees coming and going, butterflies of all types and sizes. Listen carefully and would will hear from more birds than you ever thought possible. A more rewarding concert you will never experience. Look overhead and you are almost certain to see a red-tailed hawk looking for it's next meal. Rabbits are common visitors, too. Take a walk to the Koi pond and watch these incredible fish for a while.
If you take the time to really watch, and listen, you will come away with a better understanding of the world around you. We take so many things for granted and have become creatures of comfort; many of us have lost an appreciation of the day-to-day struggle for life. The next time you feel like complaining about having no time to do the things you enjoy, think about the honeybee constantly going from one flower to the next, back to the hive and then out to the next flower.
How about the bird who has to gather material for a new nest every year and then constantly fly back and forth with food to feed it's young - not to mention fighting off predators. They don't have the luxury of a day off or the ability to take time to enjoy life. We do. Take time to enjoy life; take a walk, lay in a hammock and read a book, sit on the boardwalk and watch people go by. It doesn't matter what you do but it is important to take time for yourself and relax. If you ever find yourself saying that you are "too busy" or you "can't take the time" remember the busy bee and how short their life is.
All photos are copyright Joseph S. Valencia All Rights Reserved They may not be used in any way without express written permission of the photographer. If you wish to use any of the photos you may contact the photographer at valencia32photo@gmail.com
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