Monday, January 21, 2019

It's Cold. It's Windy. It's Time For The Beach!

I went out to lunch with my wife yesterday and we decided to take the long way home, driving along the ocean. When we got to Bradley Beach I could see some spray peeking over the top of the dunes so, of course, I had to stop. I didn't have my DSLR with me but had my phone and thought I would be able to get a good shot for my "365 Project" (see 2019 and my 365 Project.)

The wind was quite wicked, really whipping up the waves and blowing spray - in other words; perfect! I found a group of rocks being pounded by waves and then a small group scattered in the sand. I could tell they were still being hit by water at times but it appeared the tide was receding so I figured I was safe. I was, for the most part, right about that except I almost got wet when a couple larger waves came in at once, pushing the water further up the beach than I had previously seen. Luckily I noticed the oncoming water before it was too late - the result was this black & white image.

I was able to stay on the beach for about 10 minutes and shoot about 15 or so images before it got too cold. I was not dressed properly - this was a last minute decision so I only had a lightweight, insulated jacket and no hood. I haven't been able to find a pair of gloves suitable for photography that were warm and reasonably priced so I don't wear them when I am out - in fact, right now I don't even own a pair of gloves. I guess some day I will have to break down and buy a pair but it's hard to justify because we don't really get that many days when I absolutely need them.

I'm keeping this post short, just wanted to share a few of my images from the beach. Hopefully I have encouraged you to get out and shoot, cold, wind, rain, snow; doesn't matter, there is never a bad day to be outside shooting. Each type of weather system brings challenges - facing and conquering those challenges is what makes us better photographers.

All photos are copyright Joseph S. Valencia All Rights Reserved They may not be used in any way without express written permission of the photographer. If you wish to use any of the photos you may contact the photographer at

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