I can't believe it is already May! I guess it is true - as you get older the years go by in the blink of an eye.
You may have noticed that I am a big fan of Ocean Grove and so I start off with a photo of "Ralph" sitting on the railing of the Fishing Pier. This shot was taken in October 2011; a little more than a year before the pier was damaged during Superstorm Sandy. This is the same pier I wrote about in "God's Square Mile - Ocean Grove, New Jersey"
The deer was one of six that I found in the woods just outside my back yard one day. I was at the kitchen sink getting a glass of water and I noticed something brown - it looked like part of a downed tree but I couldn't be sure. I grabbed my camera (I always grab my camera when I go out back) and slowly walked over to where I saw the tree. It turns out that it was this young deer laying down among the leaves. It got up as I approached and I was able to grab a few shots before it took off. It wasn't until she ran off that I noticed the other five - they scattered at the same time. Years ago, before the dog and the fence, I would get deer coming almost to my backdoor. I have a holly tree about 10 feet off my kitchen and there was one fawn that came just about every day and stood under the tree eating. I would sit for the longest time doing nothing but watch her eat. Yes, my life was THAT exciting back then....
My wife planted a lilac bush a few years back and the buds are beginning to come out. I took this a couple days ago on one of my excursions around the yard. I like to go out a couple times a week with the camera around my neck to see if I can find anything new and interesting. I especially like to find trees, flowers, bushes, etc.... in various states of bloom and chronicle them during the spring and summer. I like the lilac in particular because there is always a lot of action around it during the spring and summer. Birds, butterflies and bees all seem to enjoy hanging around our bush and the ones that my neighbors have along their fence. I have some nice close-up shots of bees that I have shared in the past and hope to get even better ones this year.
The photo of the red maple leaf is another example of my meanderings. This was taken towards the back of my yard, just about where the yard ends and the woods begin. There are a few maple trees back there along with birch, holly, cedar and others. I have found that it is just as important to look down when you walk as it is to look up (and not just because the above mentioned deer leave their "calling cards"....) If I was looking for something instead of just looking around I never would have seen this red leaf all alone among the brown.
I will leave you with a shot of a black-crowned night heron that I shot back in the 1980's. This bird used to show up on a regular basis and perch on my neighbors dock support. I found this slide a few weeks ago while looking for something and did a quick scan. The slide needs to be cleaned and the scan isn't the best but I like the shot and wanted to share it with you.
And so ends my tribute to National Photography Month 2017! Now that you have read this, turn off your computer and go out and shoot!
All photos are copyright Joseph S. Valencia All Rights Reserved They may not be used in any way without express written permission of the photographer. If you wish to use any of the photos you may contact the photographer at valencia32photo@gmail.com
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